Combination Tour

Historic Tour

Explore The Navigated River Baro and untouched Nature of Gambela

Tour Title : Explore The Navigated River Baro and untouched Nature of Gambela
Tour Code : ETTA-W003
Length of Tour : 12days & 11 Nights

Day 1: Arrival at Addis Ababa Bole International Air port
Meet and greet you Elephant Tour and Travel representative at exit of luggage claim and transfer you to the hotel. Overnight stay in Hotel, Addis Ababa

Day 2: Drive from Addis Ababa to Chebera Churchura National park (470km)
After breakfast, drive from Addis Ababa to Chebera Churchura National park via Jimma(346 asphalted + 124km dirt road , totaled 470km from Addis Ababa), the main city in Kaffa province. Kaffa is the homeland of Coffee. It was here where coffee discovered by a shepherd named Kaldis then planted everywhere in the world. Lunch in Jimma and proceed to Chida – Amaya – then to the head office. Overnight - Tented camp – CCNP head office
Day3: Hippopotamus and Cape buffalo nearby Lake Bulo
Drive until we can go on vehicle and walk towards Lake Bulo for the African elephant, hippopotamus, Cape buffalo, lion, and leopard. Maximum trek time until Lake Bulo is 4hrs. Overnight: tented camp – nearby Lake Bulo

Day4: Filwuha
Trek back to Filwuha Campsite. Fil-Wuha in Amharic stands for hot water. At this site, Buffalos, Elephants and Lions will come during night time. Buffalos and Elephants are coming to drink and for bathing but lions to hunt buffalos. So, discover the park until Nech – Wuha (white water) site during day time and the Fil-Wuha during night time. 4hrs trek or on mule back. Overnight - Tented camp – Fil-Wuha

Day 5- Kerbela Lake
Drive and game view towards Shoshuma forest for elephants and bush pigs. Then drive and descend to Kerbela Lake for crocodiles and dense forest. Overnight - tented camp – Kerbela Lake

Day6: Eastern Part of the park for landscapes and lakes - Gudumu (park’s office)
Ascend the Hill of Kerbela Lake and drive to Gudumu via Dawaro -Waka Town (junction Road) and to Essera Wereda (province) then to Bale small town then finally drive to Gudumu( park’s office). Full day drive. Overnight – tented camp – Gudumu (park’s office)

Day7: Chofre Lake
Trek to Lake Chofre for 4hours on foot (the trekking route is densely forested). Wildlife: possibly lion, Antelopes: waterbuck, crocodile, and hippopotamus. Overnight – tented camp – Lake Chofre

Day8: Churchura Forest
Trek to Churchura forest (5hrs trek or on mules back). Churchura forest is immensely beautiful. Landscape view is fabulous. This site is main area for buffalos, waterbuck and Gazelles. Overnight – tented camp –Churchura campsite

Day9: Gudumu (park’s office)
Trek back or on mules back to Gudumu (park’s office) for about for 6hrs. Overnight – tented camp – Gudumu (park’s office)

Day10: Maze National Park
Drive to Maze National Park via Sodo – Maze 290km). Maze National Park is covered by savannah grassland. The park is primarily designed to protect the endemic Swayne’s Hartebeest’s population. Mammals such as Orbi, Bohor, red buck, warthog, bushbuck, waterbuck, greater kudu, bush pig, Anibus baboon, vervet monkey, leopard, and wild cats are much probable to see. Visit Maze National Park after collecting entrance ticket.Overnight – tented camp – MNP

Day11: Addis Ababa via Butajira road
Discover the park in the morning once again and back to Addis Ababa via Sodo – Butajira Road.Overnight – at Friendship International Hotel or similar – Addis Ababa

Day12: Departure
Based on departure time, transfer to Addis Ababa Bole International Airport for departure (end of the trip) “

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Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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